Our values

Ideas emerge and grow through diversity and open communication.

Scandio is a tolerant, free, diverse and colorful community.

We are proud to unite many different people under a single roof - no matter if lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, trans, inter, non-binary, woman, man, with or without migration background, physically or health restricted, muslim, jew, christian, agnostic, atheist, short, tall, thin, thick or anything else!

We believe that diversity, social and cultural variety, the dialogue between each other and the respect for all people can promote a pleasant and open community. This helps everyone to expand their own horizons and open up new perspectives for themselves.


We want everyone to feel comfortable and express themselves without having to hide because of his or her identity. We want to avoid by all means that people are excluded because of the above mentioned reasons. To ensure that these are not just hollow phrases, we want to set this out in concrete terms:

Discrimination, hatred, bullying, exclusion and racism have no place in Scandio. We know that tolerance and acceptance are a learning process and that everyone can grow in the process. We have a task force that deals with ethical issues, such as diversity, equality, bullying and discrimination. We offer contact persons who are happy to listen to the concerns of all employees.


Diversity at Scandio

How we practice our values

Pledge 1%

Since 2017, Scandio supports the charity campaign Pledge 1% , which was initiated by Atlassian, Salesforce and Rally in 2014. The goal is to donate 1 percent of equity, working time or a product to a non-profit project. Scandio opted for “1% Time” and thus each employee can contribute to a social project of his or her choice during working hours. Animal shelter, kindergarten or container shipping - have a look at which projects we supported so far:
Scandio Junior Open Tennis Tournament 2023



Pledge 1%: Scandio Junior Open 2023
Since 2017, we've been dedicated to social engagement and take pride in supporting the Pledge 1% [https://pledge1percent.org/] initiative. This initiative was established in 2014 by Atlassian, Salesforce, and Rally with the aim of donating 1 percent of revenue, work hours, or a product to a charitable cause. At Scandio, our commitment has materialized as "1% time," allowing every employee the opportunity to devote...
Hooray, we can support the Volunteer Fire Department



Hooray, we can support the Volunteer Fire Department
As part of the CSR initiatives of Scandio and anarcon, our colleague Tina recently trained the Munich Volunteer Fire Department in the use of Confluence. Read the article to find out how the firefighters use the Atlassian solution and what tips Tina gave them....
Pledge 1% - We lend a hand for Better Place Africa



Pledge 1% - We lend a hand for Better Place Africa
Since 2017, Scandio supports the charity campaign Pledge 1% , which was initiated by Atlassian, Salesforce and Rally in 2014. The goal is to donate 1 percent of equity, working time or a product to a non-profit project. Scandio opted for “1% Time” and thus each employee can contribute to a social project of his or her choice during working hours. Better Place Afrikv - Donations...
1% Pledge - Tausendfüßler Barefoot Path



1% Pledge - Tausendfüßler Barefoot Path
As part of one of our 1% Pledge projects, a part of our Scandio-Team has brought the aging barefoot circle of the AWO children’s house Tausendfüßler in Maisach back into shape. Instead of going to the office, our team met on a foggy Monday in Maisach, Upper Bavaria. After a cup of coffee to wake them up, they set about preparing the barefoot circle,...
1% Pledge



1% Pledge
As already announced during the Atlassian Summit in Barcelona, the Scandio takes part at the 1 % Pledge [https://pledge1percent.org/] movement with 1% time [https://pledge1percent.org/time.html] and 1% product [https://pledge1percent.org/product.html]. The philosophy behind 1% Pledge is: > Building a Movement of Corporate Philanthropy: We want to change the world through inspiring early–stage corporate philanthropy. Pledge 1% is an...